Archive for August, 2010

Trail Riders Update

August 8, 2010

Here is a recent update to make note of:

“BSFTA Trail riders, The Lost Trail Ride scheduled for 7/31 has been moved to Coyote Coulie off Lost Horse Creek Road south of Hamilton.

Donna and I spent most of Tuesday up at Lost Trail and the horse and deer flies were in clouds around us and our horses. It was just not any fun. The weather was great the trails were great, but the flies were just unbearable. We had our horses well sprayed but the flies worried them to death and after the ride we just could not stay any longer because of the clouds of flies buzzing around us. The flies were even able to bite poor Frank through his fly spray. Those big old flies don’t put much stock in fly spray I guess.

So, we will ride at Coyote Coulie starting at 9am to ride before the heat gets too bad. The ride will be around 3 hours and a lot of you know the trails there are really very easy and quite well marked. Bring a lunch and we will have some fellowship and a trail tip demo after the ride.

I am sorry to have to reschedule this ride so late, but we will ride up at Lost Trail in September when the first freeze has settled the bugs.

If you need better directions call me.

Take hwy 93 south out of Hamilton. Watch for the big Rocky Mountain Log Home business on the right. @1/2 mile past there Lost Horse Creek Road is on the right at the top of the hill. Be ready to turn as it is not visible as you go up the hill. Take Lost Horse Creek Road until you see the forest service sign for Coyote Coulie trail head.

Mark Goss”